Well what a day. We were up at the crack of dawn and on the bus by 7.30am.
Our first stop was to the Temple of the Rock. While we waited in line to enter we were able to watch all the different Jews enter for the wailing wall. My goodness the difference in dress they had depending our strong their belief was in the Jewish state. Meanwhile back to our line, we had to wait for ages because the Settler Jews had blocked one of the entry points. Once we were in it was amazing to be so close to the golden temple. Father John explained some facts about the temple then something very interesting happened. In the grounds of the temple there were Muslim reading the Koran in groups. Then the Jewish settlers entered the grounds and well we witnessed why this area is so volatile. Each side was chanting to the other and the security came from everywhere. I won't go into detail, but I'll tell you all about it when we get home.
We then visited the wailing wall where Father John took the four boys (skull Cap and all) to the men's side and us ladies of course went to the woman's side. We finally got close to the wall and said a prayer and placed apiece if paper in the wall which had a our prayer written on it.
We then went to Mt Zion and the Dormition Abbey. We then made our way to the Christian quarter for lunch and then we had an hour shopping. The markets are incredible they really want a sale!!!!
We went to Calvary when Jesus was crucified. It was incredible we climbed the steep steeps and touch the Rock of Calvary. I was expecting the mount to be in the opened but a church had been built around it. We then visited the stone they anointed jesus with oil after being taken down. We then visited the tomb of Christ. We also went to the room of the Last Supper. While we were there, there was a group of Pentecostals speaking in tongue. It was a unique and loud experience for everyone to witness.
We then travelled to Bethlehem to visit the place of his birth. We had to pass through a check point from Israel to Palestine. There is a church now on the site of the manger. We went into the grotto and touch the stone. It was a strange feeling being in this place I thought it would be prettier than it was. We had a quick shop and ice cream for the boys before heading back to the check point.
We then returned to the hotel for dinner and a few drinks.
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