Saturday, 6 October 2012

Thank You

Nick and I would like to say Thank you to Father John and the Parish of Nazareth Ricketts Point for giving us this once in a lifetime opportunity to travel to The Holy Land. We really appreciate the honor of being part of the First pilgrimage from our Parish to travel there and for the boys to experience life with the Living Stones of Nazareth was amazing.

I hope everyone has enjoyed following our travels. Until our next big adventure this is it. Goodbye.

Travel Day

Up early again today. We all met at St Anton's Parish Centre for breakfast and our last goodbyes.

We then went to the border crossing which took about an hour to get through and it's extremely hot. We have a two hour drive to get to the Anman airport. Looking forward to getting on the plane!

Our first plane is from Anman to Dubai where we stay over night. We checked in at 11pm and have to be up at 5.30am. We then fly to Singapore for a very short stopover then it was the home stretch to Melbourne.

We arrived in Melbourne 7.20am Saturday morning after leaving Nazareth 9.00am Thursday. Peter and Nathan met us at the airport, it was great to see then again. Arrived home at

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Nicks blog

Day ten and I am REALLY feeling the heat as well as that I'm really really tired.
Today we went to a couple of places including The garden of Gethsemane, The Grotto, The Dead sea and The Mount of Olives.
At the garden I saw a lizard camouflaged on a tree then I told Jack and he said "Good spotting". As well as that one we found at least five more.
From the garden we then went to the Grotto.From the Grotto we went to the Dead sea which was really fun especially when I fell in the mud which was in the water and we couldn't dive. One of the reason for the Dead sea being so fun was that you just float and I was running under water and still afloat.
From the Dead sea we drove on mini bus to Nazareth and got dropped off at St. Anton's parish centre, and from there our host family picked us up.
Amir picked us up and he also picked up Clara from Ballet then to the house.

By the way mums been drinking Arabic coffee!!!!!!

Thank you

Nick and I would like to say a big thank you to how host family, Rana, Amir, George, Clara, Maria and Yousef for taking great care of us. We are going to miss them.

Day Ten

Last day in Jerulsalem.

This morning we were off to The Mount of Olives. The trees are so old in fact some date back to the time of Jesus. We then went to the chapel of assention followed by Dominus Flevit church where just the ten of us celebrated mass. It was very special as the alter overlooked the old city.
We then went to the Garden of Gethsename very beautiful.

When then went back to the hotel and collected our luggage and headed to the Dead Sea! So after a couple of detours (our driver got lost) we arrived at the dead sea what a place. Yes you float it is a weird feeling a first but we all soon very relaxed floating around. And covering our bodies in mud. We spent about and hour there and then left for Jericho the oldest city in the world. It is 10,000 years old. Simple amazing.

We finally got back to Nazareth about 6pm. Need to pack tonight as we leave tomorrow.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Day Nine


Well what a day. We were up at the crack of dawn and on the bus by 7.30am.

Our first stop was to the Temple of the Rock. While we waited in line to enter we were able to watch all the different Jews enter for the wailing wall. My goodness the difference in dress they had depending our strong their belief was in the Jewish state. Meanwhile back to our line, we had to wait for ages because the Settler Jews had blocked one of the entry points. Once we were in it was amazing to be so close to the golden temple. Father John explained some facts about the temple then something very interesting happened. In the grounds of the temple there were Muslim reading the Koran in groups. Then the Jewish settlers entered the grounds and well we witnessed why this area is so volatile. Each side was chanting to the other and the security came from everywhere. I won't go into detail, but I'll tell you all about it when we get home.

We then visited the wailing wall where Father John took the four boys (skull Cap and all) to the men's side and us ladies of course went to the woman's side. We finally got close to the wall and said a prayer and placed apiece if paper in the wall which had a our prayer written on it.

We then went to Mt Zion and the Dormition Abbey. We then made our way to the Christian quarter for lunch and then we had an hour shopping. The markets are incredible they really want a sale!!!!

We went to Calvary when Jesus was crucified. It was incredible we climbed the steep steeps and touch the Rock of Calvary. I was expecting the mount to be in the opened but a church had been built around it. We then visited the stone they anointed jesus with oil after being taken down. We then visited the tomb of Christ. We also went to the room of the Last Supper. While we were there, there was a group of Pentecostals speaking in tongue. It was a unique and loud experience for everyone to witness.

We then travelled to Bethlehem to visit the place of his birth. We had to pass through a check point from Israel to Palestine. There is a church now on the site of the manger. We went into the grotto and touch the stone. It was a strange feeling being in this place I thought it would be prettier than it was. We had a quick shop and ice cream for the boys before heading back to the check point.
We then returned to the hotel for dinner and a few drinks.


Hi just got back from a huge day will blog later with details. But here ate some photo's.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Day Eight

Well today we travelled to Jerulsalem. We were up bright and early 6am. We met at Tera Santa School where the Year 6's and us travelled to Jerusalem.

Our first stop was the Trappist Monastery at Latrun a beautiful old monastery where the Franciscan monks live and make wine. (no time for any tastings). When drive to Ein Karem where the church of John the Baptist
is. This is yet another old beautiful church.

We then went to Mount Scopus to over look the start of the dessert and then to another look out to view the Old City. It was amazing see the Dome of the Rock just there although it's not as big as I thought it would be. We then visited the main Terra Santa School in the old city and had a lovely lunch there which was provided by the teachers. The children were presented with a gift from the year 6 students and then they dropped us off at our hotel called the Ritz.

After a rest we had a pre dinner drink and then a nice dinner before we headed off to a Sound and light show at the Citadel. Very spectacular it recreated Jerulsalem from the beginning to current times.

After that we had a short walk around and a quick shop before heading back for a early night.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Day Seven

Well after a special night last night, it was a slower pace today. We were able to have a sleep in till about 8.

We went to 10 o'clock mass in the Basilica for the last time. We just sat and appreciated the beauty of it all.

After mass we went with Rana, Amir, George, Clara, Maria & Yousef to have lunch/diner(a feast actually) with Rana's family. It was a great day,Nick played with the kids and it was great fit him to do normal kid stuff. He was trying to teach the kids Aussie Rules.

Where we had our BBQ was only about 10km from the Lebanon, Syrian border!! The mountain range in the photo below is the part of the border. Just as well all is quiet on the western front today!

Tomorrow we head to Jerulsalem for two nights. We are looking forward to going there.